Sunday, October 26, 2014


Our bodies are 70% water. Therefore keeping well hydrated and knowing what and when to drink is essential for our health. Hydrotherapy, water applied externally to the body has shown to have a very good effect on our immune system. It is also used in healing arthritis. 
We have a bad habit to choose coffee, coke, a milk shake or a glass of wine instead of water. When there are hot days we'd rather have a soda. It is important to remember that all these create an osmotic overload in our blood stream. Only plain water has the capacity to make our blood flow smoothly. One study showed that men who drink 5 glasses of water or more have 54% less risk of heart attack than those who only drank 2 glasses.

Water is important for weight loss as well. It's been proven that people who drink water 20-30 minutes before the meal, eat 75 kcal less at that specific meal.

What happens if you don't drink enough water? Your kidneys have to work extra hard to eliminate toxins and chronic lack of water in the body is linked to bladder cancer. Fatigue and headaches are common symptoms of lacking water. It is good to drink water before you can actually feel thirsty for thirst is a sign of dehydration. The best is to drink 8 cups/ day.

Also enjoy hot and cold contrast showers: hot helps the pores to open and eliminate toxins and the cold stimulates the immune system.

Remember to use water in abundance for a good health and vitality!

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