Sunday, October 26, 2014


Who doesn't love sunshine?

Just 15 minutes spent in the sun around 12 am helps the body produce 10.000 (IU) of vitamin D which has proven to have a preventive effect against cancer. Sunshine also protects from the so called: melanoma, a form of skin cancer (European Journal of cancer, 2011).

Nevertheless we must avoid sunburn. This can be done by using adequate sunscreen for our skin type and avoiding sun exposure during the hot summers.

Sunlight reduces the risk of developing many types of cancer like breast cancer, colon, prostate, lung, stomach, pancreas, and kidney, studies show.

It also strengthens our bones since the vitamin D produced by sunlight exposure helps Calcium absorption from intestines and allows the Calcium to deposit in, building strong and healthy bones.

It's been shown that immunity is increased by sunlight bathings, which gives our bodies resistance against infections. How exactly does this happen? While blood cells and antibodies increase their number when we spend time under natural sunlight.

Sunlight also promotes a sense of well-being. Daily exposure to natural sunlight will boost melatonin production, which improves sleep. Combined with exercise, sunlight prevents and treats depression.

Let us then shed some light to prevent dark diseases. Enjoy sun!

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